Pure actuality is to me, the hardest thing to achieve. Artists of all kinds and informants (journalists, etc) yearn it. Try to trap it or capture it, there's no use. Actuality escapes, slides away at its fastest speed, when you're trying your hardest to grab it and hold it. Seconds run past so quick that we loose count and start counting minutes, till minutes flow past so fast that we have to count hours and so on. obvious, yes. but what is actuality then? is it the lame little thing you're doing right this second? is actuality reading this words? is that your actual present (ie whatever is going on currently in your life in long term terms 'work' 'study' 'holiday')? or is actuality the historical context? the 2009 moment-era. this time period with all its characteristics (Obama, global warming, facebook why not, blogs, skinny people)wait! because this zeitgeist will be gone in yes, no time. because presidents of rich countries change (not as fast as presidents of poorer ones, check out Ecuador's presidential record) and the weather changes... it has been happening for thousands of years, what makes you think that it has to stay like this? The surface might change to give place to a better-more efficient- newer actual race of beings. With technology, the changes are even faster... I can see something overpowering facebook coming from the same people who brought you the ipod and iphone and ibook and the i cantbefunnyenough to invent something, soon.
So, I can say that I lived in time when skinny people were regarded as beautiful but the obesity rates were at their highest. That was my actual time. this is actuality then? when is music actual? When does it become obsolete? When is 'its' time to come back again? who creates the guidelines?
Who is this wizard that decides what is 'actually'? I might just be craving answers to questions that are relative to age/occupation/place where you're residing but have not definite answer, whatsoever. The sun not only shines for the cool. Different peoples persive things differently. Things are actual for a longer time for the old. A business man calculates time in paying checks that come and go, a runner in split seconds, a quantum scientists in another even smaller denomination, a bass player in tempos. So actually, only defines what is true in the exact moment when you formulate the words, for others, for yourself, once its said, its gone.
Just like that amazing holiday that is not actual anymore. but hey! after the actual come the memories. and the next actual moment, and then the memories again and then its all retro. etc. x
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