Monday, 12 October 2009

Far away...

Being young they say, is the best time to have fun. Lately, now that I'm Far Away and I'm having fun, I'm starting to think that being young is the best time to load your head with knowledge, facts, ideas, ideals and other 'solid' things. From building up to that point you can live the rest of your life with foundations, easy. Many of us have been told all these things among other things in our childhood or through experience, previous experience. I just think that I'm wasting my time here, in this place.

I feel as if I should be exercising my brain rather than destroying it, like I am at the moment. Alcohol has become my enemy and so has people. Don't get me wrong, I love people, but I'm a carer and I care, which now a days is a disadvantage. I dont even know what Im saying but Im made of rubber, not steel. I don't want to be tough and heartless, do you?

Today selling Socialist news papers ofr seemingly no reason, I saw it so clearly that it was painful. Everyone is scared. The minority looked happy and everyone looked as if they were in the search of something or other. Then talking to two policemen (who were acting like elements of the public forces but were soft inside their uniform), it occurred to me that, everyone is searching for their lost humanity. Their tenderness, their right to be soft even. Completely ignorant of being in this search, people keep searching. No one allows their true thoughts to come up and show and shine.

I know it. The world is changing.



  1. Very insightful Alize,
    everyone IS searching for their lost humanity. We are so desensitized in this society though, because the only way to get ahead is to squash someone else, Pay them less, and to get the most for your money.
    I guess my question is; how does Marxism solve this problem?

  2. no, marxism does not solve this or any problem because it is outdated. I was trying options and sadly, that is not THE ONE.
