Sunday, 22 April 2012

The Explorers...

Some seek beyond the limits posed,
deeper than darkness,
higher than galaxies...
For others to steal and capture the parts that shine,
and pin those thoughts in a butterfly stand,
to stay in the level of beauty to admire,
but never to find understanding,
but never to go and seek for themselves..

The explorer leaves the realm of the common again...
having seen his finds being played with like toys again...

The explorer looks up to the stars,
the infinite journey is to seek and find.

Some are never still,
Some are always mad,
Some question what is real,
some expand the map.

In his lonely way we see him depart,
the explorer has to be a explorer and transcend his art.

azile x

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

What can and can't be taken from you

I wrote this poem in 2008 but I really felt like reviving it:

They can control your actions,
but never what motivated them.
They can control what you read and what you write,
but never what you really think.
The can control your body
but never your mind.
They can control what you say,
but never what your opinions really are.
They can tell you who the bad one is,
Put him in jail,
But you will always know who the guilty one was.
They can own your labour,
Steal your profits
Throw it all into a black hole of debt
But your reasons to wake up the next morning
will still be only yours.
They can imprison you,
But your love will make you free.
They can take your body,
Starve your body,
Break your body,
But your soul will always remain untouched.

Resignation is the only thing worse than suicide...


Saturday, 7 April 2012

A seemingly meaningless life

Down and up mountains
Across vast valleys
Walking in inner city streets
There are people, many people searching for the meaning of life.

I found myself asking the same question
Never finding
Always in the process of becoming, of looking, of feeling imperfect
The meaning of human life
Is to find every moment perfect.

Accepting yourself,
And that everything is alive
For what purpose you may ask?
The meaning of life lays in simply being.

Words can kill what I want to express
The medium can kill the message
The meaning of life is to become one with your existence.
Like a tree. Like a tiger. Like a stream.
They just are. We just are.

We are information, consciousness and awareness in this vast universe.
A beautiful possibility actualised.
We can be free.
Our meaning lays in being, not in reacting.

I found the meaning of life in your eyes
I saw the eternity of Spinoza’s god in your eyes.
I saw the purposefully existence of your eyes in your eyes.
I saw love. I am love. I found love in your eyes.

The meaning of life is truly personal
Alone but not lonely
The meaning of life is truth
And truth is a pathless life, a seemingly meaningless life.
