Everything and nothing can happen in 15 Minutes.
15 Minutes fell of the clock,
as azilE was waiting for the lonely bus.
15 Minutes, of torture and despair.
15 Minutes, so long, its not fair.
Find a spot, take a seat,
I know its cold, just act sleek.
14 Minutes, time passes so slow, feel like a film from 1904.
One car, two cars, please let this be a dream....
I cannot wait that much standing here still.
A man in trainers and headphones shakes his head to the beat,
his feet move, his body swings,
I think he's gonna sing!
13 times for the clock to move its arms around,
this chair is hard, its way too high
I think I'll rather sit on the ground.
12 Minutes, anyway, what's time? I hope this place is real
The fog curls,
into lollipops,
and when was my last meal?
a guy on a bike with a Mexican hat
gives me evil eyes.
11 Minutes, oh not tonight! let that not be him...
he seems distressed, he's half undressed
he has no memory.
The conversation goes in circles
'Was it really that bad?' 'Oh yeah, you better leave'
I think they are coming for him...
10 Minutes the night is young, let's find something to stare at,
the gate and the park look like a goth story's graveyard.
9 Minutes is less than 10 but long enough to freeze.
There are no stars, where is my card? where are head, phone and keys?
8 Minutes. Will there ever be rest? oh no, there he comes again.
'Comes with me' 'No.' 'No?' 'No.'
7 Minutes he stumbles away and falls on top of a bin.
he gets up, fixes his hair, he thinks he's always lean.
azilE's eyes can't hold the tears, this is fun but here comes the fear.
6 Minutes I think I'm scared,
why is that car stopping there?
5 Minutes and more people arrive,
Asian girls in colourful tights.
I hope they don't know what is going on. Let the night hide me.
I give them a smile, they do it back,
its all here, its all in our eyes.
4 Minutes not long before,
getting the bus to the underworld.
Everyone has pointy ears here. Make them go. Hold your feet close.
3 times sixty,
I hope you don't miss it.
Make up and clothes,
music and drugs.
2 Minutes I cannot believe I made it.
what did you think? that 15 Minutes were eternity?
1 Minute, no sign of the long red car,
Its called a bus, come on, play the part.
oh really? I should have guessed so...
Here it comes, it breaks the fog, it's lights so bright and yellow.
A double Decker red is messing with my head.
Get your money out and pray.
The ride was fun, but with no minutes to count
who wants even keep writing.